JEP - Outlook Reports Contact Gone?



This is something recent. When I tried to edit an Alert Rule and clicked on
where I add a contact email address to the rule it reports "The address list
could not be displayed. The Contacts folder associated with this address
list could not be opened; it may have blah blah, etc." I still have my
contacts available to me! So why this message? What have I done because I
have edited Rules and Alerts many times this way and not gotten this message.
Many pre-emptive thanks!


Maam, the words in quotes was the exact error message? "The address list
could not be displayed. The Contacts folder associated with this address
list could not be opened; it may have blah blah, etc." blah blah continues
.... it may have been moved or deleted, or you do not have permissions." As
mentioned, I have done this very thing in the past and recieved no such msg.
If I moved or deleted it I did it inadvertently. I am profiled as
administrator on my machine. I supposedly downloaded a bug fix for
permissions a while back. I have changed Rules and Alerts in this fashion in
the recent past. I guess something has happened in the last several weeks I
don't recall, I must have deleted it or. Again, I do have access to my
Contacts, but when trying to add addresses to a rule it gives the above.
Sorry my message was incomplete. Thanks!

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