Access 2003 is quite sensitive to printer issues, especially network ones.
Here is ome past infomation posted by MVP Allen Browne:Others have asked this question in these newsgroups, and the problem has
been traced back to installation of the network printer.
You must have a printer installed on the machine to be able to preview the
reports, since Access uses the printer metrics to calculate the layout of
the report. If there is a problem with the printer, the report will not
preview or print correctly.
On a machine that exhibits the problem, open the Immediate window (Ctrl+G),
and enter things like:
? Printers.Count
? Printer.DeviceName
This should show you how many printers are installed, and which one is the
default. If Access can't find the printers, or provides bad info on the
default printer, there is a problem with the installation of the network
printer. (This applies even though other applications can print to it okay.)
And here is some more info by someone from Microsoft:This problem may occur if Access 2003 cannot communicate with the
respective printer. You may receive the error message for several reasons.
I suggest that you perform the following stetps to narrow down the issue:
Step 1: Printing the sample report using a local printer
1. Log on to the server locally. Open the northwind sample database.
2. Print the a sample report using the "Microsoft Office Document image
Writer" printer. Let me know if it is printed successfully.
If it can be printed successfully, check if you can print your report
Step 2: Regional settings for your computer may be corrupted
1. Click "Start", point to "Settings", and then click "Control Panel".
2. Double-click "Regional and Language Options".
3. In the "Regional and Language Options" dialog box, select a different
regional setting from your current setting from the drop-down list. The
drop-down list is located under the "Standards and formats" section that
is on the "Regional Options" tab. Note Select a regional setting that uses
4. Click "OK".
5. Restart your computer.
6. Click "Start", point to "Settings", and then click "Control Panel".
7. Double-click "Regional and Language Options".
8. In the "Regional and Language Options" dialog box, select your original
regional setting from the drop-down list, and then click "OK".
9. Restart your computer.
Check the issue again.
Step 3: Refresh the printer settings for the reports
1. Exit Access.
2. Click "Start", point to "Settings", and then click "Printers and
3. Right-click the problem printer, and then click "Properties".
4. In the "Properties" dialog box, click "Printing Preferences".
5. Click each tab in the "Printing Preferences" dialog box without
making any changes.
6. Click "OK" to close the "Printing Preferences" dialog box.
7. Click "OK" to close the "Properties" dialog box.
8. Restart Access, and then try to create the report again.
I hope the information is helpful.
Sophie Guo
Microsoft Online Partner Support
Jeff Conrad
Access Junkie - MVP
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