JET database engine problem


Ian Tranter

I am trying to import an old (DOS based ) Foxpro database
table, once selected & link has been clicked I get the

The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the
file "M_wml.dbf". It is already opened exclusively by
another user, or you need permission to view its data.

Our IT department tell me that I have full access to the
file & should be able to open it, any ideas as to why I
cannot open it????


Obviously, they haven't given you all the necessary permissions, so ask them
to define 'full access'. This is a permissions issue contrary to what they
say. Ask them specifically what Windows permissions have they set? Do you
just have Read/Execute? What permissions are set on your Access database and
folder where it resides; do you have read/write/execute/modify? If not, you
need this to open and be able to write to the ldb file that Access creates
whenever a user opens the Access database.

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