"Jet database engine stopped the process" error



Randomly and infrequently (maybe 5 times a year), our users get the following
error message:

The Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the process because you and
another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time.

When the user gets it, we have verified that nobody else is in the database.
It's an Access 2003 (on SP2) front end, linked to Oracle tables. The user
gets the error when she tries to delete the record from the Oracle table. It
looks like the record is getting locked for that one person - she can close
Access and come back in multiple times, but she will get the error message
each time she tries to delete it. However, if a different user goes intot he
database, they can delete the record with no problems.

It doesn't seem to be an issue with the user's access because she can go to
a different record, in the same table, and delete it with no problems.

There also seems to be no rhyme or reason as to who gets the error message.
It is not consistently the same person who gets the error. There are around 8
or 9 users who have access to the database..


yeah.. DUH

MDB is a crappy ass engine SPIT on anyone that uses it

Access Data Projects is a superior project
throw away MDB; throw away Oracle and build simple apps with ADP.

I for one-- have experienced this exact same problem with MDB against



yeah.. it happens intermittently and the common denominator is _MDB_

why do you think that im so PISSED OFF ABOUT MDB?
because im sick and tired of MDB causing locking problems on a
production SQL Server and I get called in at 2am to fix it



because it's unreliable.. because it's unscalable.. because it's

it causes locks on SQL Server all the time.. check out sp_who2 and it
leaves connections open; it locks records

if you use MDB for anything that you need to use NOLOCK almost
everywhere because you're GOING to have locking problems


so why do you still use it??

I mean seriously here Smartin, please explain why you use a program
that 'corrupts records'

I've never gotten 'corrupt records' in SQL Server natively


it is cost effective to translate MDB to ADP.

Maybe if you, and the other people around here used the BEST PLATFORM
IN THE WORLD then it wouldn't be so difficult.

5 times a year; it confused a half dozen users a piece. a couple of
tech support calls and a couple of developers looking for a resolution?

sounds like a $20,000 fix in your situation would be worth the ROI

you could probably do it for a lot less than this; it really depends on
how complex the app is.

I just dont think that you should choose to play Russian Roulette with
your DATA.


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