Jet engine error Access 2003



I have a database residing on my local drive. It contains both local
tables and links to SQL tables on a server. All the tables appear to
link in fine. I can open all of the tables and view data. I can write
records to them via code, except one. After hitting an error with this
table when running code, I started opening the tables and checking the
records, if they were there. All tables except the errant one, would
allow me to delete. The server admin even kept an eye on the table
while I was in there (I was the only one in the table) and saw where
it logged that I had successfully deleted a record. However, when I
attempted to delete said record through my link in Access, I got : The
Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the process because you and
another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time.
Here is what I have tried:
Refresh links. Delete. Error given.
Delete link. Compact & Repair. Relink. Attempt delete. Same message.
Clean database. Link in problem child only. No objects brought in from
other database. Attempt delete of one or all records. Same message.
shut down and restart pc then try again. same message.
Dowload and run jetcomp.exe and follow instructions. It stops due to
an error that it did not define.
ran defrag on pc then tried again. same message.
What can I do to get this error resolved? I am thinking this is
probably only related to my current computer since it's only that one
table. I'll be trying on another in a few minutes after it's connected
to the network and the data connection is established.
My rights on the errant table are the same rights as the non-errant
ones, from the sql side of things. There is no security file
associated with the database. Whether I use 2003 or 2000 to test the
table, the same thing happens.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.


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