
  • Thread starter hamid _rahmatrolahe
  • Start date

hamid _rahmatrolahe


I was wanting to know the easiest way to substitute a
field of data in ms access using sql for all the rows in a

ie if l have a field that is say

I need to be able to change it to
"micro soft access"
using an SQL DML update statement do to the size of the

Kind Regards

Arvin Meyer

hamid _rahmatrolahe said:

I was wanting to know the easiest way to substitute a
field of data in ms access using sql for all the rows in a

ie if l have a field that is say

I need to be able to change it to
"micro soft access"
using an SQL DML update statement do to the size of the

In version 2000 and later, use the Replace() function. In earlier versions,
you can use this custom function:

Function ChangeString(strIn As String, strToFind As String, strReplace As
String, _
Optional intCount As Variant) As String
On Error Resume Next

Dim intPlace As Integer
Dim intCounter As Integer
Dim intStart As Integer

If IsMissing(intCount) Then intCount = 32767
intStart = 1

For intCounter = 1 To intCount
intPlace = InStr(intStart, strIn, strToFind)
If intPlace > 0 Then
strIn = Left(strIn, intPlace - 1) & strReplace & Mid(strIn,
intPlace + Len(strToFind))
intStart = intPlace + Len(strReplace) + 1
Exit For
End If

ChangeString = strIn

End Function

Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
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