Job Hunter



I just graduate in a law school, and now I am in the process of sending CVs,
setting meeting with law firms, being in contact with a lot of people. I need
to keep a updated list of people and firm that I contact (and contact me) so
that I can easily keep track of all my meetings, people I talk with,
progress in the interviews, when I should ri-contact a firm for an answer,
the emails I sent them, and so on...
Is there a specific office application can be helpful for keeping updated
and well organized those records?
Is Access the best application? is there a template?

George Hester

Nice question I doubt there is a template just as you could use. First
question is how do you want to view the infornmation?

Tony Toews [MVP]

Avv.Michele said:
I just graduate in a law school, and now I am in the process of sending CVs,
setting meeting with law firms, being in contact with a lot of people. I need
to keep a updated list of people and firm that I contact (and contact me) so
that I can easily keep track of all my meetings, people I talk with,
progress in the interviews, when I should ri-contact a firm for an answer,
the emails I sent them, and so on...
Is there a specific office application can be helpful for keeping updated
and well organized those records?
Is Access the best application? is there a template?

A combination of OneNote and Outlook may work well for unstructured
data and task tracking. Maybe.


Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -

John Marshall, MVP

Hiding behind your wife's skirts? Steve, these newsgroups are provided by
Microsoft for FREE peer to peer support, not for some bottom feeder like you
to harrass users looking for work. If you were any good, you should not need
to scrounge for work. There are far more qualified people in these
newsgroups who gladly provide help for FREE.

John... Visio MVP

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