Joel, Need your help


Hi Joel,

I am using Excel vba for web automation.
You have given valuable information in my last post.
But I am not able to get that.

I have web, a table.
In a table there are some link which shows as 'multiple'

If i put web cursor it will show value.

I need copy those value into excel using vba.


<a href="javascript:eek:nMultipleBIANumLinkClick('XXXX_,_XX8')"
title="ABCD1234" id="bia_row_bia_num_155" name="a_iaa_tdBIANum">
Multiple (2)</a>

Joel, I need what ever the value exist for title ie., ABCD1234.


I don't know if you will receive thsi message. the microsoft web user group
isn't sending out emails.

set biaNum = IE.document.getElementById("bia_row_bia_num_155")
there will be a title property either for this object or the parent object


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