John Nurich or anyone that can help me with this vb code



This VB code was done to help import a text file where the data doesn't begin
on the first line. The problem is that I don't know VB. I can copy and
paste but that's it. If the text file title is "Project1" and the data
begins on row 4, where do i put that information into the code? Sorry to be
a pain but if anyone can help, I would appreciate it.


Function TrimFileHeader( _
ByVal FileSpec As String, _
ByVal LinesToTrim As Long, _
Optional ByVal BackupExtension As String = "") As Long

'Removes the specified number of lines from the beginning
'of a textfile.
'Optionally leaves the original file with its extension
'changed to BackupExtension.
'Returns 0 on success, otherwise the number of the error.

Dim fso As Object 'Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim fIn As Object 'Scripting.TextStream
Dim fOut As Object 'Scripting.TextStream
Dim fFile As Object 'Scripting.File
Dim strFolder As String
Dim strNewFile As String
Dim strBakFile As String
Dim j As Long

On Error GoTo Err_TrimFileHeader

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

With fso
'Handle relative path in Filespec
FileSpec = .GetAbsolutePathName(FileSpec)
strFolder = .GetParentFolderName(FileSpec)
strNewFile = .BuildPath(strFolder, fso.GetTempName)
'Open files
Set fIn = .OpenTextFile(FileSpec, ForReading)
Set fOut = .CreateTextFile(strNewFile, True)

'Dump header
For j = 1 To LinesToTrim

'Read and write remainder of file
Do While Not fIn.AtEndOfStream
fOut.WriteLine fIn.ReadLine


'Rename or delete old file
If Len(BackupExtension) > 0 Then
strBakFile = .GetBaseName(FileSpec) _
& IIf(Left(BackupExtension, 1) <> ".", ".", "") _
& BackupExtension
If .FileExists(.BuildPath(strFolder, strBakFile)) Then
.DeleteFile .BuildPath(strFolder, strBakFile), True
End If
Set fFile = .GetFile(FileSpec)
fFile.Name = strBakFile
Set fFile = Nothing
.DeleteFile FileSpec, True
End If

'Rename new file
Set fFile = .GetFile(strNewFile)
fFile.Name = .GetFileName(FileSpec)
Set fFile = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing

End With
'normal exit
TrimFileHeader = 0
Exit Function
TrimFileHeader = Err.Number
End Function

Ken Snell [MVP]

You put the number of lines as one of the arguments in the function call.
For you setup:

If TrimFileHeader("Project1", 3) <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Error occurred -- Error number " & _
End If

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