Joining IIF statements together


Sue Compelling


I have the following two IIF statements which give the right results when
used separately but I need to join them together so Access is assessing all
conditions. I've tried multiple ways though come back with varied errors -
from syntax, commas, too many arguments etc ...

Is there actually a way I can join these?

=IIf([JobSubStatus]="Awaiting Appointment Advice" And
DCount([JobID],"QryInProgress","[JobID] = " &

Customer" Or "Appointment

TIA ...

John Spencer

=IIf(([JobSubStatus]="Awaiting Appointment Advice"
And DCount("*","QryInProgress","JobID=" & [JobID])=1)
OR IsNull(JobSubStatus)
, Date()-[datereceived]
,IIf([JobSubStatus] = "Awaiting Customer"
or [JobSubStatus]= "Appointment Scheduled"

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Sue Compelling

Thanks so much John - it worked AND you showed me how I should make the
statement better - so I was able to add in some more logic.

Brilliant ...

Wildcard here - my "Notify me of replies" NEVER works. It used to though
stopped about 3 mths ago - anything different that you know of?
Sue Compelling

John Spencer said:
=IIf(([JobSubStatus]="Awaiting Appointment Advice"
And DCount("*","QryInProgress","JobID=" & [JobID])=1)
OR IsNull(JobSubStatus)
, Date()-[datereceived]
,IIf([JobSubStatus] = "Awaiting Customer"
or [JobSubStatus]= "Appointment Scheduled"

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Sue said:

I have the following two IIF statements which give the right results when
used separately but I need to join them together so Access is assessing all
conditions. I've tried multiple ways though come back with varied errors -
from syntax, commas, too many arguments etc ...

Is there actually a way I can join these?

=IIf([JobSubStatus]="Awaiting Appointment Advice" And
DCount([JobID],"QryInProgress","[JobID] = " &

Customer" Or "Appointment

TIA ...

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