Jounal to Calendar



Is it possible to generate Calendar Items from Jounal Items?

If for example I log a phone call in the Journal for 30 minutes for a
Contact, can this automatically show in the Calender?

I want a Calander type summary of what I have been doing..




Also, can the same principle work with Task Items. For example of I start a
Task at X Time can this automatically refelct in my Calender?

Again, what I am looking for is an at a glance Calendar view of what I have
been doing and when...

Michael Bauer

Hi Kev,

the Folder.Items event "ItemAdd" provides you with all necessary infos.
From within the event you can create all Items you want to.

But in generell I think this is the wrong approach. The calendar is for
items you will (or have to) do. The journal is for journaling what you
have done.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

But if you want a comprehensive view of what you've done, combining time
spent that was recorded in the journal and time spent recorded in the
calendar is a reasonable goal.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Michael Bauer

Hi Sue,

do you mean a comprehensive view of calendar *and* journal items, a view
across two folders? Ok, but for that it wouldn´t be necessary copying
journal items to the calendar like the OP is asking for.

I´m recording my targets in the calendar. If an appointment is canceled
I don´t need to delete it or if the spent time is changed I don´t need
to change that item.

All items that I want to record I´m copying to the journal. And then, if
here is nothing to do, I´m sitting in my office and able to compare many
targets in the calendar with a few items in the journal...

Viele Grüße
Michael Bauer

Sue Mosher said:
But if you want a comprehensive view of what you've done, combining time
spent that was recorded in the journal and time spent recorded in the
calendar is a reasonable goal.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

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