Journal Entries


John Gregory

Using Outlook 2003, I've begun toying with Journal entries. I liked the idea
but never took the time to study the mechanics. I made a few entries
yesterday just to test the program. This morning when trying to pull up what
I did yesterday, I remembered why I lost interest earlier; it takes too long
to find an entry. Perhaps I'm doing something wriong.

I like the idea of going to a contacts name in Contacts, clicking the
Activities tab, and finding a list of Journal entries. Problem is... the
program apparently has to search the whole computer to find what I just
typed yesterday.

Q1) Is there some way to make Journal entries appear instantly on the
Activities tab?

The second way to search apparently is by clicking the Journal button at the
bottom of my main folder view screen. That apparently brings up all Journal
entries and I can have them presented by Contact. That's workable but I then
have to jump back to Contacts to get the phone number. I'd prefer to do all
that with Contacts and just hit the tab... but I start the search over

I can see down the road that the list of contacts on the Journal view is
going to get a bit unwieldy. It appears I need to straighten out the
alphabetical order on Contacts since many are being presented as "Mr."
first. I remember merging two lists a long time ago and something may have
run amuck.

I also don't know if I see much value to that Journal view by Contacts using
that time-line format. It was easy to find yesterday since it was staring me
in the face. But if it had occurred months ago, I'd have to play with the
mouse to shift back in time till I saw an entry then click each one until I
found the right one. I see there are other ways to present Journal listings
but I'd have to play around with it more I guess.

Q2) Does anyone have a recommendation for the quickest way to find a Journal
entry? A simple list like Windows gives when searching for a file would be
idea for my purposes but that doesn't seem to be an option... unless it can
be done under "Custom".

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