Journal format



I would like to suggest an additional feature to the brilliant OneNote
program: a journal folder.

The idea is that in addition to taking brief notes it should also be
possible to take notes linked to a calendar. I use OneNote for writing
projects and for drafting my blogs. It would be a dream if I could also keep
a journal on the program with a format for linking journal entries to a
visual calendar.

Would this also appeal to others?


This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.

Patrick Schmid

OneNote 2007 has a rather tight integration with Outlook 2007: You can
link tasks, contacts, appt directly. Is that what you are looking for?

Patrick Schmid

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