It depends how you are displaying the image, eg with a Bound OLE Frame, Access Image Control, or some other
Bound OLE Frame:
Open the table and examine the relevant field to see which application is used to store and display the
images, eg MS Photo Editor, Paint etc. This application must be installed on the system to display images
from the table. It must also be the registered application for the relevant file types if you will store
additional images in the table on this machine. Since this technique relies on registered applications,
installing new graphics software can easily break this approach. Additionally, Office 2003 does not include
an OLE Server app for jpeg and will uninstall the existing one (MS Photo Editor), which is often the cause
of problems like this. Finally, note that using Photo Editor to store JPEG can cause an overhead of from
20 to 200 times the original file size.
Access Image Control:
This requires the relevant Office Graphics Filters to be installed. Re-run the Office setup and work through
the optional components to make sure that the filters you need are installed.