jpeg/jpg photos sent from Entourage 2004 to Windows XP can't be opened by recipients



Here's what happens:

In Entourage 2004, I open a new e-mail message > type in recipient's
name > attach photo identified on my hard drive as being a "JPEG Image"
click to "send" e-mail > Stuffit comes on to "unstuff" the image >
e-mail is sent.

NOTE: I have tried sending this e-mail to myself (iBook 10.3.8) and to
Windows XP users. Neither they nor I can open the image.

On the Windows XP receiving end: Open e-mail with image attached >
attachment comes through as the following: "[image name].jpg.sit from
Inbox Microsoft Outlook" [notice that image ACTUALLY came from
Entourage but says it came from "Outlook"] > I click "Open" > Stuffit
"Standard Demo / Read-only" box pops up > Stuffit shows "Open Archive
Progress" > Aladdin Stuffit Limited-Time Trial > I click on "continue"
- "Tip of the Day" > I click "Close" [to "Tip of the Day"] and that's
where it ends. I never to get to see the image, as JPG or JPEG.

NOTE: As a test, I copied and burned the image onto a CD-RW disc on my
iBook, then loaded the image onto a Windows XP system. From there I was
easily able to open the image using Windows' "Picture and Fax Viewer."

NOTE: This is a new iBook with 10.3.8. My former iBook with 10.2.8 was
able to send photo attachments and have them opened by Windows XP users
without any problem that I am aware of.

SO...I don't know if this is an Apple problem, a Microsoft problem, a
Stuffit problem or a combination of all three...

Any ideas?



Here's what happens:

In Entourage 2004, I open a new e-mail message > type in recipient's
name > attach photo identified on my hard drive as being a "JPEG Image"
click to "send" e-mail > Stuffit comes on to "unstuff" the image >
e-mail is sent.

NOTE: I have tried sending this e-mail to myself (iBook 10.3.8) and to
Windows XP users. Neither they nor I can open the image.

On the Windows XP receiving end: Open e-mail with image attached >
attachment comes through as the following: "[image name].jpg.sit from
Inbox Microsoft Outlook" [notice that image ACTUALLY came from
Entourage but says it came from "Outlook"] > I click "Open" > Stuffit
"Standard Demo / Read-only" box pops up > Stuffit shows "Open Archive
Progress" > Aladdin Stuffit Limited-Time Trial > I click on "continue"
- "Tip of the Day" > I click "Close" [to "Tip of the Day"] and that's
where it ends. I never to get to see the image, as JPG or JPEG.

NOTE: As a test, I copied and burned the image onto a CD-RW disc on my
iBook, then loaded the image onto a Windows XP system. From there I was
easily able to open the image using Windows' "Picture and Fax Viewer."

NOTE: This is a new iBook with 10.3.8. My former iBook with 10.2.8 was
able to send photo attachments and have them opened by Windows XP users
without any problem that I am aware of.

SO...I don't know if this is an Apple problem, a Microsoft problem, a
Stuffit problem or a combination of all three...

Any ideas?


If the file is a jpeg, it is already compressed and probably cannot be
compressed significantly more. Have you tried changing your compression to
"none" and also changing your encoding to "Appledouble"? This can be done
under the attachments window in your email. This will ensure that it will
be received correctly on any email system.

I suspect that it is a problem with stuffit on the windows side not being up
to date.



Hi Mark,

Thanks for your help. This appears to have fixed the problem.
(Appledouble was already selected, but the compression had been set for
Stuffit. I changed it to "none.")

Maybe you can help me with one more issue. I have had some similar
problems with Word attachments. Just this morning, I had someone reply
to an e-mail I had sent that included two Word attachments. She wrote
that she could not open these attachments and asked if they were in
Word. I wrote back and told her they were and copied and pasted them
into the text of the e-mail so she could be sure to read them.

What could be causing this problem? I have sent out these two same Word
attachments previously and not had a problem with people being unable
to read them.

Any ideas?


Hi Mark,

Thanks for your help. This appears to have fixed the problem.
(Appledouble was already selected, but the compression had been set for
Stuffit. I changed it to "none.")

Maybe you can help me with one more issue. I have had some similar
problems with Word attachments. Just this morning, I had someone reply
to an e-mail I had sent that included two Word attachments. She wrote
that she could not open these attachments and asked if they were in
Word. I wrote back and told her they were and copied and pasted them
into the text of the e-mail so she could be sure to read them.

What could be causing this problem? I have sent out these two same Word
attachments previously and not had a problem with people being unable
to read them.

Any ideas?

When you say "copied and pasted them into the text of the email" did you
mean you copied the text from the files and pasted the text directly into
the email to send? I will assume that.

When you attach files, do you click on the "paperclip" icon and then
navigate to the files? That is probably the most accurate way. One thing
you ought to check is that the files have a .doc extension at the end. If
they do not, your friend will not be able to double-click to open them. She
can of course manually add the .doc extension (if that was the trouble) and
they they will open properly.

If, however, they were received as a stuffit archive, she might not be able
to unstuff it. Be sure you have set the sending type and compression
globally in the preferences otherwise you will have to change it each time

Best of luck,


How do you change the sending type and compression "globally"? I don't
want to have to do it each time.

What I have done so far is to go into Entourage > Preferences > Mail &
News Preferences > Compose > Attachments > then changed Encode for to
"any computer (AppleDouble)" and changed Compression to "None."

Is that the global fix?


Craig Deutsch

That should do it. You'll see that when you send an email, the
"AppleDouble" option will appear by default under your attachment frame.

However, I've found that doing so makes all the files immediately almost
double in size, and when the mail is sent, you'll see that the
"Attaching..." window shows up essentially twice for each file. Something
about adding additional information that makes them available without
problem to Windows users.

If I'm sending to a known Windows user recipient, I usually change it back
to Windows only.

Entourage is basically a very good program -- but it has plenty of weird
idiosyncrasies, and in some respects it still needs major revisions.



Craig Deutsch said:
That should do it. You'll see that when you send an email, the
"AppleDouble" option will appear by default under your attachment frame.

However, I've found that doing so makes all the files immediately almost
double in size, and when the mail is sent, you'll see that the
"Attaching..." window shows up essentially twice for each file. Something
about adding additional information that makes them available without
problem to Windows users.

If I'm sending to a known Windows user recipient, I usually change it back
to Windows only.

Entourage is basically a very good program -- but it has plenty of weird
idiosyncrasies, and in some respects it still needs major revisions.


As Craig said, that is the correct way to do it for all emails. You can
manually change individual emails like he mentioned. Changing the method to
Windows can be particularly helpful if you are using dialup, as it will
reduce the attachment size. If you have broadband...don't sweat it. ;-)

If you don't want to mess with settings and send to a variety of computers,
Appledouble always seems to work. If on the other hand, you like to do
things manually, feel free to pick and choose with each email.


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