jpegs from email, cant save.



hi all,

A friend sent an email with photos/jpegs/images etc inside the mail itself,
and I wanted to save the whole mail (txt included) and put it on my
flash stick to take to another friends house to show them.

As things like this cant just be sent to a flash stick, I thought 'word'
be the place to save it so that I could then do what I wanted with it, but
unfortunately the images come out 'blank' in 'word'.
The images are there because I can see the 'box', ,,, how do I do this?

thank you.

charli b

sage said:
hi all,

A friend sent an email with photos/jpegs/images etc inside the mail
and I wanted to save the whole mail (txt included) and put it on my
flash stick to take to another friends house to show them.

As things like this cant just be sent to a flash stick, I thought 'word'
be the place to save it so that I could then do what I wanted with it, but
unfortunately the images come out 'blank' in 'word'.
The images are there because I can see the 'box', ,,, how do I do

thank you.

try saving the email to a folder on your desktop. or in my documents.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Under Tools>Options>View, make sure that the Picture Placeholders box is

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Thanks to both repliers,,,
I got it figured now, but it really took some messing around.
Still dont understand why 'copy/paste' from email msg to 'word'
didnt allow the pics to show, but alas it didnt.
(albeit the 'box' was available, just no pic inside it.)
Dont want to rant-on, but the pics were of a man born with no arms
or legs, yet his smile was wider than any I've seen.
People were drawn to him, his 'vibe' more than made up for what he
didnt have, in fact, I reckon some around him wished to be like him,
because he honestly had something that they didnt have, and they knew it.

thanks again.

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