jpg files not appearing



I'm trying to include jpg photos in a table and related form. I select OLE
object as the data type. Then in the form view I I "insert object" into the
OLE field and select "create from file" then navigate to the jpg image and
select it.

The photo does not display. Instead it returns "package" in the datasheet
view. In the form view it simply displays the name of the file.

BUT....if I use a BMP file (as opposed to a JPG) all works OK. If I convert
the JPG to BMP it works OK as well.

So what give??? Surely Acces can handle jpgs??

I am running Access 2003 on XP Professional.



Download a copy of Office XP from Bittorrent and then install JUST Photo
Editor. Don't install the rest. It will register Photo Editor for OLE in
Access and then it should work. A shame MS is encouraging you to use their
OLDER products since they BROKE the functionality in their newer office apps.
The amazing thing is that MS still hasn't addressed this in Office 2007!!!

Make sure to go to
and notify MS of their PROBLEM/ERROR/BUG/FLAW/ISSUE/GAP/MISTAKE - Not sure
how to phrase it enough times so that MS understands that this is an issue
that hasn't been addressed in 2007 yet. OH YES, I KNOW it is a BETA - fact
is MS really only cares about the ribbon - they will not be adding
functionality or anything worth while in 2007 to address the many flaws or
gaps in the previous versions.

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