JScript Infopath problem


Josiah Smith


I'm creating forms in InfoPath 2003 and have run into a wall in development.
In the forms we have created, we are opening a second form using the
NewFromSolution method in JScript, and are passing data values to the new
form from the
old form, such as
= XDocument.Dom.selectSingleNode("/mySourceForm/my:FName").text

We are having no problem with doing simple text field to text field
parameter passing. I am now trying to pass a base64 picture in the same
manner, and have run aground. If I use th
function, I do get a notification box with the base64 encoded picture in its
glorious gibberish. I just don't know how to assign that to a base64 field
in the destination form.

I've tried using the .nodeTypedValue method, and only have errors when there
is a picture in the source form's field.

Any guidance or information regarding this would be extremely appreciated.


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