JScript to Recurse All Outlook Folders and Output Mail Headers?




I am really in over my head.

I am trying to make a little application to go through all my Outlook
folders and output just the headers. I can do it by explicitly naming
the folders but I have two problems:

1. I'd prefer to automate it so that it goes through all the folders.
2. I cannot figure out how to make it traverse subfolders or
even explicitly call a subfolder.

In the example below, which works from the command prompt as
"cscript test.js > test.txt" I have it looking in a "Househunt"
folder but that is in the root of the PST file. If I cannot recurse the

folders automatically, how can I explicitly reference a subfolder (i.e.


I adapted this script from another I found someplace, but I
am hoping someone can help fill in the blanks.




var Wrapper = new ActiveXObject('Mapiprop.MAPIpr­opWrapper');
var olApp = new ActiveXObject('Outlook.Applica­tion');
var olNameSpace = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI");
var olFolder = olNameSpace.Folders("Old Archives")

var mailItems = olFolder.Folders("Househunt").­Items();
var objItem = mailItems.GetFirst();
do {
var header = Wrapper.GetOneProp(objItem, 0x007D001E);
if (header) {

objItem = mailItems.GetNext();
} while (objItem);

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