Julian Date



Can anyone tell me if it is possible to convert Julian dates into regular
dates in an access database? Thank you in advance for any help you can

John Spencer

Sure it is possible. The problem is what do you mean by a julian date?

You can use the DateAdd function to add the number of days to the year. Or
use the DateSerial function

Assuming the Julian date is a string that looks like 06013 (Jan 13, 2006)
DateSerial(Left(TheString,2),1,Right(TheString,3)) will return 01/13/06



I have a module that will work for "Julian" date when formated like 106001
(1/1/06). If this is what you are looking for here you go(copy and paste
this as a module):

Option Explicit

Function ConvertJulian(JulianDate As Long)

ConvertJulian = DateSerial(1900 + Int(JulianDate / 1000), _
1, JulianDate Mod 1000)

End Function

If you need help with a module let me know.

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