Jumbled Command Bar Controls


Davey Fitz

Hi all,
I have an Office COM add-in written for O2K and working in
several Office apps. When tested on an OfficeXP
installation, however, my commandbars are appearing with
jumbled and overlapping controls. Specifically, this is
occurring on an Outlook Inspector form but I have no
grounds for saying for sure that it is limited to that
context. I do quite a bit of processing in terms of
creating all my controls and then hiding them depending on
the current context of the inspector form and I presume
this is why it's happening: controls which should be
invisible are visible but obscured by controls which ARE
visible and partially overlapping. This behavior did not
happen in 2K so presumably, UI handling/refreshing is
handled differently in 2002. Another odd characteristic is
that when I hover over the jumbled controls with the
mouse, this often appears to resolve the problem. ie -
controls which SHOULD be invisible are hidden. Anyone seen
this problem?



YES, i have seen this problem in our forms. A few times we
have designed the whole from over. This thing is,
sometimes, thoses custom form fields you created, that are
bound to your custom fields, do not carry over to XP, so
the get jumbled. Try using the built in properties that OL
has, they're called user-defined field 1,2,3, etc. The
IPM.Contact has a few of them, so use those. If you don't
have any available, use some that your're not using, like
anniversary or time stamp, hope u get the idea.

-We develop office add-in's too!
(e-mail address removed)

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