jumbled notes


Peter Griffith

I have posted before regarding this problem, but I am
pissed off so I am posting again. I was told this problem
would be fixed in the next release. I am a business
user. I use my tablet to take notes at customer sites
when doing site surveys. When my tablet gets hot, about 4
to 6 hours into a day, OneNote takes what I have written
above and superimposes it on top of the notes I have just
taken, then I can't read anything. I have tried notes as
handwriting and as drawing with the same end result. I
can't rely on this for business yet, which makes for a
very expensive (early adopter) mistake. Anyone else
experienced this. I am gonna try a complete tablet pc
reload. Toshiba Protege M200


Chris H.



I am running desk tops and I get notes on top of one another when I expand
spaces between notes. Do not know if it is the same jumble you are talking
about. I cannot read the notes and it is a heck of a job to get them
separated even most of the time when I grab a note and move it side ways a
little and pull it down. Heat has nothing to do with it on my machines.
Al Crumrine

Chris_Pratley \(MS\)


I'm sorry this has been so frustrating for you. We fixed a major cause of
this in the SP1 preview for OneNote (available for download on-line), and
fixed what we think is the other (less common) cause in the final version of
Sp1 (not yet released).

My guess is that it is unrelated to the heat issue.

Chris Pratley (MS)
OneNote design team


-----Original Message-----
I am running desk tops and I get notes on top of one another when I expand
spaces between notes. Do not know if it is the same jumble you are talking
about. I cannot read the notes and it is a heck of a job to get them
separated even most of the time when I grab a note and move it side ways a
little and pull it down. Heat has nothing to do with it on my machines.
Al Crumrine

That is probably what I have experienced. I can't seem
to unjumble the notes. I spent a day in San Diego taking
notes at a prospect site only to get on a plan and find
them all superimposed. It is very frustrating. I could
definitely have been jumping to the wrong conclusion with
the heat issue.

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