Jump Menu Issue



I use FrontPage 2003 to create my web. Normally, each page includes 3 parts,
head, main and footer so that whenever I make a change on head, all page
change accordingly. Yesterday, I just added Jump Menu on the head.htm using
behaviors. The head page works fine but not other pages. (to see what
differences, check this link for head,
http://www.howtonetworking.com/head.htm , other pages,
http://www.howtonetworking.com/ ).

I believe I need to copy the following script to <head> session in all pages.

<script language="JavaScript">
function FP_jumpMenu(el,frm,sel) {//v1.0
var href=el.options[el.selectedIndex].value; if(sel) el.selectedIndex=0;
if('_new'==frm) open(href); else eval(frm+".location='"+href+"'");
// -->

How can I do that?

Stefan B Rusynko

Do Search & Replace

Search for (in all pages in html)


Replace with

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function FP_jumpMenu(el,frm,sel) {//v1.0
var href=el.options[el.selectedIndex].value; if(sel) el.selectedIndex=0;
if('_new'==frm) open(href); else eval(frm+".location='"+href+"'"); }
// --></script>

If you are using Shared Borders or Include pages you are better off looking at Dynamic WebTemplates which will add it to all pages
for you

SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:

|I use FrontPage 2003 to create my web. Normally, each page includes 3 parts,
| head, main and footer so that whenever I make a change on head, all page
| change accordingly. Yesterday, I just added Jump Menu on the head.htm using
| behaviors. The head page works fine but not other pages. (to see what
| differences, check this link for head,
| http://www.howtonetworking.com/head.htm , other pages,
| http://www.howtonetworking.com/ ).
| I believe I need to copy the following script to <head> session in all pages.
| <script language="JavaScript">
| <!--
| function FP_jumpMenu(el,frm,sel) {//v1.0
| var href=el.options[el.selectedIndex].value; if(sel) el.selectedIndex=0;
| if('_new'==frm) open(href); else eval(frm+".location='"+href+"'");
| }
| // -->
| </script>
| How can I do that?


Hi Stefan,

Find and replace sounds like one of options. I did it on my anotehr web
site, http://www.chicagotech.net (the jump menu is on the left side).

The only problem is I need to do many times depends on the <haed> session
because each page head is dofferent form other. I still have some I don't
know how to find/replace.

can I use dynamic web template in my case?

Another related question. Can I do much better if I use dynamic web
template? The way I create each page is create a template page including head
and footer. Whenever I add a new page, I just add on the template and save it
as different name, then when I need to modify the head like adding jump menu,
I only modify the head page and all pages have the jump menu.

Thank you.

Stefan B Rusynko

The </html> tag is not unique to any page
See FP Help on Find and Replace

You only create one DWT and attached it to all your pages whenever the template changes
See FP Help on DWT

SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:

| Hi Stefan,
| Find and replace sounds like one of options. I did it on my anotehr web
| site, http://www.chicagotech.net (the jump menu is on the left side).
| The only problem is I need to do many times depends on the <haed> session
| because each page head is dofferent form other. I still have some I don't
| know how to find/replace.
| can I use dynamic web template in my case?
| Another related question. Can I do much better if I use dynamic web
| template? The way I create each page is create a template page including head
| and footer. Whenever I add a new page, I just add on the template and save it
| as different name, then when I need to modify the head like adding jump menu,
| I only modify the head page and all pages have the jump menu.
| Thank you.
| "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > Do Search & Replace
| >
| > Search for (in all pages in html)
| >
| > </html>
| >
| > Replace with
| >
| > <script language="JavaScript"><!--
| > function FP_jumpMenu(el,frm,sel) {//v1.0
| > var href=el.options[el.selectedIndex].value; if(sel) el.selectedIndex=0;
| > if('_new'==frm) open(href); else eval(frm+".location='"+href+"'"); }
| > // --></script>
| > </html>
| >
| > If you are using Shared Borders or Include pages you are better off looking at Dynamic WebTemplates which will add it to all
| > for you
| > --
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > http://www.frontpagemvps.com/FrontPageNewsGroups/tabid/53/Default.aspx
| > _____________________________________________
| >
| >
| > |I use FrontPage 2003 to create my web. Normally, each page includes 3 parts,
| > | head, main and footer so that whenever I make a change on head, all page
| > | change accordingly. Yesterday, I just added Jump Menu on the head.htm using
| > | behaviors. The head page works fine but not other pages. (to see what
| > | differences, check this link for head,
| > | http://www.howtonetworking.com/head.htm , other pages,
| > | http://www.howtonetworking.com/ ).
| > |
| > | I believe I need to copy the following script to <head> session in all pages.
| > |
| > | <script language="JavaScript">
| > | <!--
| > | function FP_jumpMenu(el,frm,sel) {//v1.0
| > | var href=el.options[el.selectedIndex].value; if(sel) el.selectedIndex=0;
| > | if('_new'==frm) open(href); else eval(frm+".location='"+href+"'");
| > | }
| > | // -->
| > | </script>
| > |
| > | How can I do that?
| > |
| >
| >
| >


I thought I have another other script in the head session so that I need add
lumpmenu after another script. Perhaps, I should do your way, just relace
</haed> with jumpmenu script.

I will test DWT and will post back if I have another question. Thank you
very much.

Stefan B Rusynko said:
The </html> tag is not unique to any page
See FP Help on Find and Replace

You only create one DWT and attached it to all your pages whenever the template changes
See FP Help on DWT

SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:

| Hi Stefan,
| Find and replace sounds like one of options. I did it on my anotehr web
| site, http://www.chicagotech.net (the jump menu is on the left side).
| The only problem is I need to do many times depends on the <haed> session
| because each page head is dofferent form other. I still have some I don't
| know how to find/replace.
| can I use dynamic web template in my case?
| Another related question. Can I do much better if I use dynamic web
| template? The way I create each page is create a template page including head
| and footer. Whenever I add a new page, I just add on the template and save it
| as different name, then when I need to modify the head like adding jump menu,
| I only modify the head page and all pages have the jump menu.
| Thank you.
| "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > Do Search & Replace
| >
| > Search for (in all pages in html)
| >
| > </html>
| >
| > Replace with
| >
| > <script language="JavaScript"><!--
| > function FP_jumpMenu(el,frm,sel) {//v1.0
| > var href=el.options[el.selectedIndex].value; if(sel) el.selectedIndex=0;
| > if('_new'==frm) open(href); else eval(frm+".location='"+href+"'"); }
| > // --></script>
| > </html>
| >
| > If you are using Shared Borders or Include pages you are better off looking at Dynamic WebTemplates which will add it to all
| > for you
| > --
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > http://www.frontpagemvps.com/FrontPageNewsGroups/tabid/53/Default.aspx
| > _____________________________________________
| >
| >
| > |I use FrontPage 2003 to create my web. Normally, each page includes 3 parts,
| > | head, main and footer so that whenever I make a change on head, all page
| > | change accordingly. Yesterday, I just added Jump Menu on the head.htm using
| > | behaviors. The head page works fine but not other pages. (to see what
| > | differences, check this link for head,
| > | http://www.howtonetworking.com/head.htm , other pages,
| > | http://www.howtonetworking.com/ ).
| > |
| > | I believe I need to copy the following script to <head> session in all pages.
| > |
| > | <script language="JavaScript">
| > | <!--
| > | function FP_jumpMenu(el,frm,sel) {//v1.0
| > | var href=el.options[el.selectedIndex].value; if(sel) el.selectedIndex=0;
| > | if('_new'==frm) open(href); else eval(frm+".location='"+href+"'");
| > | }
| > | // -->
| > | </script>
| > |
| > | How can I do that?
| > |
| >
| >
| >


I did use fiind and replace to add jumpmenu to all pages and test works fine
locally. However, after published them, I still don't have the jumpnemu in
the sources. Perhaps, I need to recaculate the link, but my web hosting
doesn't provide this feature for me. What should I do?

boblin20 said:
I thought I have another other script in the head session so that I need add
lumpmenu after another script. Perhaps, I should do your way, just relace
</haed> with jumpmenu script.

I will test DWT and will post back if I have another question. Thank you
very much.

Stefan B Rusynko said:
The </html> tag is not unique to any page
See FP Help on Find and Replace

You only create one DWT and attached it to all your pages whenever the template changes
See FP Help on DWT

SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:

| Hi Stefan,
| Find and replace sounds like one of options. I did it on my anotehr web
| site, http://www.chicagotech.net (the jump menu is on the left side).
| The only problem is I need to do many times depends on the <haed> session
| because each page head is dofferent form other. I still have some I don't
| know how to find/replace.
| can I use dynamic web template in my case?
| Another related question. Can I do much better if I use dynamic web
| template? The way I create each page is create a template page including head
| and footer. Whenever I add a new page, I just add on the template and save it
| as different name, then when I need to modify the head like adding jump menu,
| I only modify the head page and all pages have the jump menu.
| Thank you.
| "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > Do Search & Replace
| >
| > Search for (in all pages in html)
| >
| > </html>
| >
| > Replace with
| >
| > <script language="JavaScript"><!--
| > function FP_jumpMenu(el,frm,sel) {//v1.0
| > var href=el.options[el.selectedIndex].value; if(sel) el.selectedIndex=0;
| > if('_new'==frm) open(href); else eval(frm+".location='"+href+"'"); }
| > // --></script>
| > </html>
| >
| > If you are using Shared Borders or Include pages you are better off looking at Dynamic WebTemplates which will add it to all
| > for you
| > --
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > http://www.frontpagemvps.com/FrontPageNewsGroups/tabid/53/Default.aspx
| > _____________________________________________
| >
| >
| > |I use FrontPage 2003 to create my web. Normally, each page includes 3 parts,
| > | head, main and footer so that whenever I make a change on head, all page
| > | change accordingly. Yesterday, I just added Jump Menu on the head.htm using
| > | behaviors. The head page works fine but not other pages. (to see what
| > | differences, check this link for head,
| > | http://www.howtonetworking.com/head.htm , other pages,
| > | http://www.howtonetworking.com/ ).
| > |
| > | I believe I need to copy the following script to <head> session in all pages.
| > |
| > | <script language="JavaScript">
| > | <!--
| > | function FP_jumpMenu(el,frm,sel) {//v1.0
| > | var href=el.options[el.selectedIndex].value; if(sel) el.selectedIndex=0;
| > | if('_new'==frm) open(href); else eval(frm+".location='"+href+"'");
| > | }
| > | // -->
| > | </script>
| > |
| > | How can I do that?
| > |
| >
| >
| >


I re-published them. it works. thanks.

boblin20 said:
I did use fiind and replace to add jumpmenu to all pages and test works fine
locally. However, after published them, I still don't have the jumpnemu in
the sources. Perhaps, I need to recaculate the link, but my web hosting
doesn't provide this feature for me. What should I do?

boblin20 said:
I thought I have another other script in the head session so that I need add
lumpmenu after another script. Perhaps, I should do your way, just relace
</haed> with jumpmenu script.

I will test DWT and will post back if I have another question. Thank you
very much.

Stefan B Rusynko said:
The </html> tag is not unique to any page
See FP Help on Find and Replace

You only create one DWT and attached it to all your pages whenever the template changes
See FP Help on DWT

SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:

| Hi Stefan,
| Find and replace sounds like one of options. I did it on my anotehr web
| site, http://www.chicagotech.net (the jump menu is on the left side).
| The only problem is I need to do many times depends on the <haed> session
| because each page head is dofferent form other. I still have some I don't
| know how to find/replace.
| can I use dynamic web template in my case?
| Another related question. Can I do much better if I use dynamic web
| template? The way I create each page is create a template page including head
| and footer. Whenever I add a new page, I just add on the template and save it
| as different name, then when I need to modify the head like adding jump menu,
| I only modify the head page and all pages have the jump menu.
| Thank you.
| "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > Do Search & Replace
| >
| > Search for (in all pages in html)
| >
| > </html>
| >
| > Replace with
| >
| > <script language="JavaScript"><!--
| > function FP_jumpMenu(el,frm,sel) {//v1.0
| > var href=el.options[el.selectedIndex].value; if(sel) el.selectedIndex=0;
| > if('_new'==frm) open(href); else eval(frm+".location='"+href+"'"); }
| > // --></script>
| > </html>
| >
| > If you are using Shared Borders or Include pages you are better off looking at Dynamic WebTemplates which will add it to all
| > for you
| > --
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > http://www.frontpagemvps.com/FrontPageNewsGroups/tabid/53/Default.aspx
| > _____________________________________________
| >
| >
| > |I use FrontPage 2003 to create my web. Normally, each page includes 3 parts,
| > | head, main and footer so that whenever I make a change on head, all page
| > | change accordingly. Yesterday, I just added Jump Menu on the head.htm using
| > | behaviors. The head page works fine but not other pages. (to see what
| > | differences, check this link for head,
| > | http://www.howtonetworking.com/head.htm , other pages,
| > | http://www.howtonetworking.com/ ).
| > |
| > | I believe I need to copy the following script to <head> session in all pages.
| > |
| > | <script language="JavaScript">
| > | <!--
| > | function FP_jumpMenu(el,frm,sel) {//v1.0
| > | var href=el.options[el.selectedIndex].value; if(sel) el.selectedIndex=0;
| > | if('_new'==frm) open(href); else eval(frm+".location='"+href+"'");
| > | }
| > | // -->
| > | </script>
| > |
| > | How can I do that?
| > |
| >
| >
| >

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