Jump to formula destination ? ? ?


Dodge Brown

Hi All

If I have a very large workbook, and say on Sheet1 a formula "=Sheet12!a1"
is there a shortcut way to jump directly to sheet 12 cell A1 ? ? ?

Thanks in Advance


Dodge Brown

By Jump, I mean goto. Eg. Go from sheet 1 to sheet 12 cell A1 without having
to find the page and cell "manually"...

Niek Otten

Hi Dodge,

Click the Trace Precedents button (it is in the Formul auditing toolbar)
For references to other sheets, it shows an arrow and an icon of a sheet.
Double-click the arrow. You get a list of references (possibly just one).
Select the one you wish to go to and click OK.
May sound cumbersome, but once found out how to do, it's peanuts...


Kind Regards,

Niek Otten

Microsoft MVP - Excel

Dodge Brown

Thanks, that will be very helpfull when using large workbooks.



Gord Dibben


Tools>Options>Edit. Turn off "edit directly in cell".

Double-click on the cell in Sheet1 and you will wind up in Sheet12!A1

Gord Dibben XL2002

Dana DeLouis

Maybe not the best solution, but you could select your cell with the
formula, and do <Ctrl> + "k"
This will turn your formula into a Hyperlink. Just set the destination to
the same destination as the formula.

If your formula is as simple as your example, perhaps a macro could be
something like this:

Sub Demo()
Dim sAddress As String
sAddress = Mid$(ActiveCell.Formula, 2)
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add _
Anchor:=ActiveCell, _
Address:=vbNullString, _
SubAddress:=sAddress, _
ScreenTip:="Click to jump to " & sAddress
End Sub

Dodge Brown

Interestin one Gord, Thanks!

Gord Dibben said:

Tools>Options>Edit. Turn off "edit directly in cell".

Double-click on the cell in Sheet1 and you will wind up in Sheet12!A1

Gord Dibben XL2002

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