'Jump' to Predecessor/Successor


Tommy Lovelace

Your competition (not much to worry about....) has a
feature that allows one to 'jump' from a task forwards or
backwards to all of its predecessors or successors in the
order of their succession. How about creating a
subroutine that will, when run, allow the user to 'jump'
to a task's predecessors/successors, in the order of
their ID #'s(MSP2000)?

Thanks........Tommy Lovelace

Jack D.

Tommy said:
Your competition (not much to worry about....) has a
feature that allows one to 'jump' from a task forwards or
backwards to all of its predecessors or successors in the
order of their succession. How about creating a
subroutine that will, when run, allow the user to 'jump'
to a task's predecessors/successors, in the order of
their ID #'s(MSP2000)?

Thanks........Tommy Lovelace


There is typically no need to post the same message in the different project
groups. Most people will find it even if it is in one group.

Also, this group is not monitored that closely by microsoft, or at least I
have very infrequently seen them responding to posts here.

Please try to keep replies in this group. I do check e-mail, but only
infrequently. For Macros and other things check http://masamiki.com/project

-Jack Dahlgren, Project MVP



I have made a small macro which shows the first 21
predecessors or successors, which I feel is very usefull.

Jack D.

J.Visholm said:
I have made a small macro which shows the first 21
predecessors or successors, which I feel is very usefull.

I am curious why you show only the first 21?
Using recursion you can make it show them all (or any number you like).

Please try to keep replies in this group. I do check e-mail, but only
infrequently. For Macros and other things check http://masamiki.com/project

-Jack Dahlgren, Project MVP
email: J -at- eM Vee Pee S dot COM


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