Jumping or Calculating



I am new to Excel. I'm trying to figure out if there's some way to lets say
go from A1 to A50 and keep jumping in incriments of 50 cells everytime.
Also, I am trying to figure out how to calculate the avg of each month till
the end of using all the days. How would I also go about that. Thanks for
the help.


Don Guillett

Sub jump50()
For i = 1 To 200 Step 50
Cells(i, "a").Select
MsgBox ActiveCell.Address
Next i
End Sub

Now what?

More explanation of your second question.


To retrieve at intervals of 50 cells, beginning with A1
In any starting cell, say in B2:
Copy B2 down as far as required to return what's in A1, A51, A101, etc

To average intervals of 50 cells, beginning with A1
place this in any starting cell, say in C2:
Copy C2 down as far as required to return the average of
A1:A50, A51:A100, A101:A150, etc

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