Jumping to a hidden cell on enter



I've got 3 drop down lists in which the source cells are located i
hidden rows above the data cell. Each of these 3 data cells are righ
on top of the other (of the unhidden cells) and every time I use one o
them and hit enter, rather than going to the next unhidden cell down
it goes to a hidden cell. I can see it displaying the cell destinatio
and it's contents in the input window. I try to unhide then rehide an
it's always the same cell it goes to upon enter. Does anyone have an
ideas about what is causing this glitch?

Nikos Yannacopoulos


Not sure why this happes, never seen it...
The whole idea of using hidden rows as datasource for the
drop-downs doesn't sound very appealing though. If you're
willing to take the trouble, I would suggest that you use
a separate worksheet instead, and then hide the worksheet.
I've always done it this way, and never had this sort of
problem (or any other!). Additional benefit: you can
password protect the hidden sheet if this is a multi-user

Nikos Y. (nyannaco at in dot gr)


Thanks, but actually the reason I'm putting the data right above th
source in hidden rows is because the users of my form would like t
start typing and have the autocomplete feature finish filling in th
rest for them. Sooo...now I've got this glitch that is so weird. I
ANYONE has any ideas, PLEASE let me know

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