Jumping to end of document when using Endnote



I've been using Endnote X.0.2 with Word 2003 with no problems. I
recently upgraded to Word 2007 and now, everytime I add or format a
citation, the cursor goes to the end of the document. It is something
incredibly annoying, in particular because it's a rather long
document. Has anybody seen something like this or have an idea about
how to fix it?

Daiya Mitchell

See if EndNote.com has anything related under Support, and be sure to
report this to to them. First, make sure it really is an EN X and Word
2007 problem by checking whether it happens in all documents, etc.

However, you should be able to work around this. In Word, hitting
shift-F5 will cycle you through the last three edit points (or it might
be Shift-F3 to cycle through the last five edit points). So if you can't
fix it, Shift-F5 will GoBack to the previous place you typed.

Note that an "edit point" means you typed, deleted, or somesuch, not
just where your cursor was.

Other built-in Word options to speed up navigation: Edit | Go To,
Outline View, Document Map, and Browse Object. More info on some of
those here:


See ifEndNote.com has anything related under Support, and be sure to
report this to to them. First, make sure it really is an EN X and Word
2007 problem by checking whether it happens in all documents, etc.

However, you should be able to work around this. In Word, hitting
shift-F5 will cycle you through the last three edit points (or it might
be Shift-F3 to cycle through the last five edit points). So if you can't
fix it, Shift-F5 will GoBack to the previous place you typed.

Note that an "edit point" means you typed, deleted, or somesuch, not
just where your cursor was.

Other built-in Word options to speed up navigation: Edit | Go To,
Outline View, Document Map, and Browse Object. More info on some of
those here:http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/Formattin...ex.htmlhttp://daiya.mvps.org/browseobject.htm

I've checked with other documents and it happened the same. I'll
report this behavior to the Endnote people. For the moment your
workaround has been really help you.

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