Junk Mail filter stopped working


Kolohe Wiz

After the latest "Patch Tuesday" Outlook 2003 Junk E-mail Filter (KB916521):
OUTLFLTR was installed, the Junk Mail filter no longer functions. I spent
half my morning removing over 300 messages from the inbox that would have
been caught by the filter before. I'm running Outlook 2003 and NIS 2006 (NAV)
and everything is up to date.

I also noticed that after all the Windows updates yesterday (Patch Tuesday -
5/9/06) the SystemTray icons aren't there as they should be. I run Task
Manager and see the programs listed as running but the icons that should be
in the system tray are gone.


Hello. I don't know if this is the same cause as I had with the update not
installing, but I found the following on this link:

"Found an instance similar to mine: i.e. had used Windows Live Registry
Cleaner before downloading the Kb916521 update.

Advice from Robin Walker [MVP] was to find the backup done by the
aforementiond programme at:
"Documents and Settings|<user>\ApplicationData\Windows Live Safety
Centre\Backup. I then double clicked the .reg file, closed everything down,
manually downloaded and installed the update.

Now everything's back to normal, and update is succefully installed. "

I tried this and it also solved my problem. If you have used Windows Live
Safety Center to clean your registry, that could be your problem, too. Best
of luck.


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