Junk Mail Filtering


C. M .Snyder

Are there easier, more intuitive ways to filter
adult-content and general junk e-mails within the Organize
features already present in Outlook 2002? Are their
products out their that I can add to the existent system
rather than downloading new stand-alone software packages?
I modified the "filters.txt" file but still am not pleased
with the increasing amount of junk mail I receive.

N Watson

I feel your pain...I just sent a couple of comments to MS about how poor their SPAM filtering is. Other web mail will flag all bulk email that can be deleted at one time

With Mr. Gates working with the feds to shut down spammers you would think that he would focus on upgrading his own email software. Or perhaps that is his strategy... Shut down all spammers to keep from upgrading outlook. :

At any rate...I have not found anything even remotely useful on the MS website about how to block unwanted content. Everything is based on key words, and with those slimey spammers, they keep finding new ways to work around the key word rules

All in all it is EXTREMELY frustrating...Specifically when I am getting all this SPAM at work. I have to add 15-20 new junk senders to my list every day....because they can generate random sender addresses. Not to mention the "HTML and Picture" adds that cannot be effectively blocked

I would just like a way to block content that comes from outside of my email domain....that would solve a lot of my issues....but alas.....You can't even do that.

Jeff Stephenson [MSFT]

You can with Outlook 2003 - it has a built-in spam filter and also blocks
external HTML content.

Jeff Stephenson
Outlook Development
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights

N Watson said:
I feel your pain...I just sent a couple of comments to MS about how poor
their SPAM filtering is. Other web mail will flag all bulk email that can
be deleted at one time.
With Mr. Gates working with the feds to shut down spammers you would think
that he would focus on upgrading his own email software. Or perhaps that is
his strategy... Shut down all spammers to keep from upgrading outlook. :(
At any rate...I have not found anything even remotely useful on the MS
website about how to block unwanted content. Everything is based on key
words, and with those slimey spammers, they keep finding new ways to work
around the key word rules.
All in all it is EXTREMELY frustrating...Specifically when I am getting
all this SPAM at work. I have to add 15-20 new junk senders to my list
every day....because they can generate random sender addresses. Not to
mention the "HTML and Picture" adds that cannot be effectively blocked.
I would just like a way to block content that comes from outside of my
email domain....that would solve a lot of my issues....but alas.....You
can't even do that.

N Watson


Thanks for the comment, but I am having this problem at work...and we only recently migrated to 2002....I need a solution Today...a patch would be nice.

Something I have been tinkering with today seems to get rid of those pesky spams with images only and no/few key words

Here are some examples that I instituted today that work well...this would be for items where the body contains the following key words....

<img src="http://www.

Also, I look for anything that comes from external to my company, because my address will usually have ".exchange." in the address. All inter-office mail just lists "last name, first name".

Not 100% but getting Really close.

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