Junk Mail in my "Mail Views - Unread Folder"



Hi, I'm sure what I did, but I must have done something... just
recently my JunkMail "in a light gray color" appears in my Unread
Folder "Mail Views"... I would rather all my Junk mail only to appear
in my JunkMail folder.. can I change it back?

Ver: Entourage 11.3.1


Diane Ross

Hi, I'm sure what I did, but I must have done something... just
recently my JunkMail "in a light gray color" appears in my Unread
Folder "Mail Views"... I would rather all my Junk mail only to appear
in my JunkMail folder.. can I change it back?

You must have a rule that is moving the message. The most likely culprit is
the Mailing List Manager (MLM). It's very easy to set up a MLM rule by
accident, when you are marking a message as 'not junk'. The wording of that
dialog is ambiguous to say the least. Check if there is an MLM entry (look
for MLM entries under the tools menu) with the Unread folder as the target
folder. Mailing List Manager rules run before your other rules.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
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Mickey Stevens

Control-click the "Unread" view in the Folder List, and then click "Edit
Custom View" in the contextual menu that appears. In the bottom of the
"Edit Custom View" window, under "Criteria", it should say "Match if all
criteria are met". Click "Add Criterion", and add "Category is not Junk".
Click OK to save the view.

By the way, the Mail Views are actually not folders. You can read a bit
more about them here:

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