Junk Mail in Outlook 2003



I keep getting 15-20 emails each day that say 'returned
email could not be delivered'. I believe these are
returned junk mail that Outlook has sent back to the sender
(probably in order for them to clear me from their mailing
lists). These returned emails are almost as obnoxious as
the original junk mail. Anyone else have this problem and
how can I stop it?


Those are Spoof email spams that have nothing to do with your email client.

A spammer used your address as the reply to address in their spam. Emails that are bounced by the server go to you rather than the rotten spammer.

Tony Gravagno

dschwa said:
Those are Spoof email spams that have nothing to do with your email client.

A spammer used your address as the reply to address in their spam. Emails that are bounced by the server go to you rather than the rotten spammer.

Yup, create a rule to filter them out on the client side, and/or get
some software that filters them out on the server side so Outlook
never sees them.

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