Josh Nussbaum
When multiple emails are selected, the junk email context menu is not
Most people receive multiple (or tons) of junk every day. The fact that each
mail needs to be black-listed individually means that users end up just
deleting the items they dont want.. thus bypassing the junk mail feature
This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.
Most people receive multiple (or tons) of junk every day. The fact that each
mail needs to be black-listed individually means that users end up just
deleting the items they dont want.. thus bypassing the junk mail feature
This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.