Junk Mail



My Junk Mail has dissapeared and I neeed it back. I have no idea what
happened to it , however i am recieveing a rules and error message that does
not provide me with any detail information

Brian Tillman

Outlook said:
My Junk Mail has dissapeared and I neeed it back.

Junk mail is junk. Why would you need it back? Or is this not really what
you mean? Perhaps you mean that you no linger see your Junk E-mail folder.
Please be precise.
I have no idea what
happened to it , however i am recieveing a rules and error message
that does not provide me with any detail information

It may not provide you with any information, but it may provide someone here
with it. Post the exact text of the message you're receiving. For
completeness sake, please confirm the version of Outlook you're using and
the type of the account.

Brian Tillman

Brian Tillman said:
Junk mail is junk. Why would you need it back? Or is this not
really what you mean? Perhaps you mean that you no linger see your
Junk E-mail folder. Please be precise.

Speaking of not being precise! I mean "longer", not "linger".

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