Jury Duty



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Jury Duty

September 16, 2005

It had been 20 years since I drove to the State of Michigan
courthouse, which was the same place that I was driving to today. In 1985,
I was at work when a neighbor called to tell me that my home was being
burglarized. She told me not to worry because everything was under control.
An unknown car with four people had drove into our 200 foot driveway and
stopped. One guy got out of the car and went into my house. The police
were there and everything was under control.

I drove into my RN neighbor's driveway. She was standing,
watching on with a few other neighbors. I joined them. There were several
cars parked along the driveway. I recognized a burgundy car that was
similar to one that 18-year-old Twodar's parents own. I had previously used
the word "Retarded" to my neighbors when I explained that if any neighbor'
child teased Twodar, I would be sending the neighbors children home.

I thought one of the three men that the policeman was holding a gun on was
Twodar. Well, you aren't suppose to "get into a Deputy's face", or you
might in up with a few rebuttals. Yep, something like three tickets in
three months, and end up back at the courthouse to be found guilty pay your
fine as you walk out the door.

My watch was already geared when I walked through the first
door. I had to stop before opening the second door, because there was a
line walking though the metal detector and the woman in front of me holding
a coffee cup would have been hit. There must have been 25 people reporting
for jury duty. They weren't set up for the rush. I started laughing when
the security guard to the lady that no food or beverage was allowed. The
woman looked at her coffee, asking, "What am I suppose to do with it?"

The deputy replied, "You brought it in, you figure it out."

First I thought about how security would let you blow-up, then I
said, "They don't want you to poison any one."

The way I get lost once inside a big building, I look and feel
like a retard, so I followed a lady. Once it was my turn at the Jury
window, I asked if the date of my last jury duty was. They only go back
three years, which means that I'll probably never find my last jury duty
story. It was filed by the date.

I actually forgot about the Delta Dawn song. There are two
verses that would best describe my traveling from the Jury check-in window
to the Jury waiting room.

Delta Dawn lyrics

She's sixty-three and her daddy still calls 'er "baby"

All the folks 'round Brownsville say she's crazy.

Finally, I made it through the door. There were 4 or 5 rows of
6-foot tables set up. I decided to sit by myself, which was the same
appearance of the people already sitting. I ended up walking to the far end
of the room and sitting at the end table where two men were sitting. They
were both dressed in business suits. The nice-looking man closes to me had
dark hair and his friend was blond (unknown to me was an attorney). Well,
if you know me, my mouth ran beginning with the "Bomb Blaster" until 5
minutes before the Jurors were dismissed.

A woman entered the room, explaining what our duty was suppose
to be. The court actually acted on 18 cases in a little over 100 minutes.
Apparently, there was two of those "Guilty" or "Guilty" cases that we jurors
were suppose to sit though and listen to that "Bull shit". Our mileage and
time was recorded and the attorney that requested our services would be
paying for each and every one of our time spend.

I left the court house, feeling computer sick. Everyone I know
will buy themselves a gift when they feel down, so I bought me a 2005 Sony
laptop. I returned home at 1pm. I kept trying to call busy-line Comcast
until 4, so I drove to Clarkston to speak with a real-live person. The
Comcast lady only knew one of the two numbers that I needed in order to
hook-up with my ISP. I had to call the number that she gave me. The record
always begins with go to the website. I normally call because I'm not
connected to the Internet, therefore I can't get to the website!

Finally, I spoke with Kevin who was as polite and helpful as he
could be. Comcast would not violate the trade laws, or whatever that thingy
is that the USA congress passed, stating that Linksys router has to be
called in order for me to connect with Comcast Internet Provider. The only
thing I did was give my new 2005 Sony with Wireless High Speed Internet a
name "Rita's Baby".

My big decision now is should I call Comcast, or should I return
it to where it was purchased for a virus check that may have been brought
into the new computer from Linksys at the time of Internet connection?

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