Just Curious



Hi All,

I work with MS Word and images a lot. I have usually copied and pasted
images into Word (even images I have saved in a file).

However, a thought came across my mind today: Is there a difference if
I perform a copy/paste of an image or if I use the "insert picture"
function available in word?

Any thoughts would be appreciated!



This is a bit late, but here is what I know about pasting vs. inserting pix.
It used to be that pasting graphics, particularly .bmp files (which were in
wide use "back in the day"), would inflate the size of a Word file
tremendously. Thus "good Word practices" called for always inserting
pictures. I have not checked current versions of Word to see if this is still
true. One acquaintance who knows a fair bit about Word recently told me that
she no longer sees a difference.

To macropod's point, you might try a test with the types of graphics you
use. If you do, plz post your results!

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