Just so you know!! Those that don't have all Standard Forms...



I have been reading about people who have been having a problem w/
the standard form "Message" not being shown under
"Tools"-->"Forms"-->"Choose A Form"-->"Standard Form Library". This
creates errors such as "Cannot create item" when clicking a web e-mail
link, or if someone forwards you an e-mail with a .msg attachment, you
cannot open it with the error: "The form required to view this message
cannot be displayed. Contact your administrator."

I HAVE FIGURED IT OUT IN MY CASE!! (After many weeks and weeks!)
Turns out, a long time ago I used someone's suggestion in enabling SCL
values for the IMF system, and created a custom .cfg in the following
directory: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\FORMS\1033" (In
my case, scl.cfg as talked about here:
http://msexchangeteam.com/archive/2004/05/26/142607.aspx - not a 100%
sure I used their version of the file, but I used someone's!) Anyway,
I did that about a year ago and never thought about it again. THAT WAS
MY PROBLEM! As soon as I got rid of that file (scl.cfg - ONLY after
closing Outlook), deleted the FRMCACHE.DAT in the "C:\Documents and
Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\FORMS"
directory and went back into outlook did my forms now show up where
they are suppose to be!! (That is: "Tools"-->"Forms"-->"Choose A
Form"-->"Standard Form Library").

I hope this helps people who have had this problem... I see at least
two other in Google Groups complain of it!

P.S. All my .cfg files in the "C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\OFFICE11\FORMS\1033" directory where dated 1998 except for
"SCHDREQ.CFG" (2000) and SECREC.CFG (2002)... anything else can be
considered foreign...

Thank you,

Bill Bushong

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