For a label Rpt in A2K, (4 Columns/2Rows), combined Stephen Lebans'
"JustiDirect" Public Function with a Private Sub IntFS.
"JustiDirect" Justifies the Rpt's text and IntFS reduces the point size of
the text so that longer information will fit within the margins of the
label, shorter information will have a larger point sixe to fill the entire
The label Controls are set to "Can Grow/Shrink=No".
It works correctly if a computer has Access. On one computer had to install
a runtime version, (it does have Office 2002 w/o Access).
The words of the second line of text bleeds to the right and shows over the
top of the text Control in the next Column. There is a space of .15"
between Columns.
Does it in Preview and Print out to H/P All-In-One.
Any ideas why this should happen?
Snippets of Rpt's code are below.
Thank You for taking the time to read this post.
Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
Dim intFS As Integer
For intFS = 12 To 8 Step -1
Me.txtData1.FontSize = intFS
Me.txtData2.FontSize = intFS
If fTextHeight(Me.txtData1) < Me.txtData1.Height Then Exit For
If fTextHeight(Me.txtDatal2) < Me.txtData2.Height Then Exit For
Next intFS
Call Justi1.fRecordDetail(Me, "txtData1", PrintCount)
Call Justi1.fRecordDetail(Me, "txtDatal2", PrintCount)
Private Sub Report_Page()
Dim myBool As Boolean
myBool = Justi1.fJustiDirect(Me)
myBool = Justi2.fJustiDirect(Me)
Note: The above code is repeated for all 8 txtControls, txtData3, txtData4,
Public Function
Public Function fJustiDirect(rpt As Report) As Boolean
'Author: Stephen Lebans
For a label Rpt in A2K, (4 Columns/2Rows), combined Stephen Lebans'
"JustiDirect" Public Function with a Private Sub IntFS.
"JustiDirect" Justifies the Rpt's text and IntFS reduces the point size of
the text so that longer information will fit within the margins of the
label, shorter information will have a larger point sixe to fill the entire
The label Controls are set to "Can Grow/Shrink=No".
It works correctly if a computer has Access. On one computer had to install
a runtime version, (it does have Office 2002 w/o Access).
The words of the second line of text bleeds to the right and shows over the
top of the text Control in the next Column. There is a space of .15"
between Columns.
Does it in Preview and Print out to H/P All-In-One.
Any ideas why this should happen?
Snippets of Rpt's code are below.
Thank You for taking the time to read this post.
Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
Dim intFS As Integer
For intFS = 12 To 8 Step -1
Me.txtData1.FontSize = intFS
Me.txtData2.FontSize = intFS
If fTextHeight(Me.txtData1) < Me.txtData1.Height Then Exit For
If fTextHeight(Me.txtDatal2) < Me.txtData2.Height Then Exit For
Next intFS
Call Justi1.fRecordDetail(Me, "txtData1", PrintCount)
Call Justi1.fRecordDetail(Me, "txtDatal2", PrintCount)
Private Sub Report_Page()
Dim myBool As Boolean
myBool = Justi1.fJustiDirect(Me)
myBool = Justi2.fJustiDirect(Me)
Note: The above code is repeated for all 8 txtControls, txtData3, txtData4,
Public Function
Public Function fJustiDirect(rpt As Report) As Boolean
'Author: Stephen Lebans