Justification not working properly

  • Thread starter Justification Problems
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Justification Problems

When I type a letter and justify my document - the individual words in a
document are being separated - not the words iteself. Example:

with the crime o f v iolating L a. R.S.

it should be:

with the crime of violating La. R.S.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

You didn't mention the version of Word you're using
and if this is in a single document, multiple documents
or if you're seeing this in English, in regular text
or in a table (there are different features with different
results in different areas and versions).

It can happen when there is an outdated or problem
installation of the graphics card driver or of the
printer driver but it can also occur if you're using
a 'looks like text', but decorative/symbol font. In that
case Word has no context for 'words' and can treat each
character as a standalone.

It can also happen with 'fit text' in Word tables.

When I type a letter and justify my document - the individual words in a
document are being separated - not the words iteself. Example:

with the crime o f v iolating L a. R.S.

it should be:

with the crime of violating La. R.S.>>

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