Justified text alignment with label



I am creating a report in access, which is a letter. The body of the letter
needs to have the text justified. I typed the body into a label. I set the
text align property for the label to Distribute (as access doesn't have a
justified). In design view, all the text appears distributed or justified as
I want. When I look at the report preview, it always cuts off the right side
of the label, no matter how long i make the label, or how small the font is,
it always cuts off some of the text. All the text fits in the label fine in
design view.

Anyone know what's going on? I can't get it to work.


Thanks for the reply Stephen,

The control margins were all set to 0.
I decided to play with the margins a little and changed the right margin for
the contol to .1 and the report formatted correctly in preview. However when
I printed it, it still cut off the right side of the control.

I finally found another way to accomplish this by adding an unbound object
with an embedded word document. I was able to format it with justified and
it worked perfectly.

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