KB917334 and KB916518 errors



Attempted to install the following two updates on a WinXP Pro SP2 computer:
MS Word - KB917334 and PowerPoint - KB916518.

Security Update for Word 2003 (KB917334)
Error creating process
<C:\DOCUME~1\USER\LOCALS~1\Temp\IXP000.TMP\ohotfix.exe>. Reason: The system
cannot find the path specified.

Security Update for PowerPoint 2003 (KB916518
Error creating process
<C:\DOCUME~1\USER\LOCALS~1\Temp\IXP000.TMP\ohotfix.exe>. Reason: The system
cannot find the path specified.

Due to our security proces, we do not use the Windows or Office Update Web
Sites. We manually install or push via SMS 2003 to update workstations. One
of the IT personnel attempted to install these two files manually but got the
errors. The MS Office 2003 Suite on all computers should either have Office
SP1 or 2 already installed.

Any insight or help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!!!

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