Keep column headings visible when scrolling


Rachel Leah Baum

I received and Excel spreadsheet from a Windows user and in it the column
headings at the top remained visible as I scrolled through it.

How does one set documents to do this in the Mac version. I haven't been
able to find a command or setting.

Thanks in advance!

Ed in Dallas

Ken Johnson

Hi Rachel,
It's called Freeze Panes and it in the Window menu.
If the column headings are only 1 row deep then click in A2 then go
Window>Freeze Panes.
If there were also row headings you wanted to freeze then you would
have clicked in B2 first, then column 1 is also frozen. To change the
structure of the frozen panes you first have to unfreeze the current
ones by going Window>Unfreeze Panes first.
Ken Johnson


Hi ed -

Just to restate what Ken posted, the Freeze applies to the rows above &
columns to the left of the selected (active) cell when you turn the feature
on, so you can apply the Freeze wherever you want. Also, when you go to turn
it off, the command will read as Unfreeze Panes.

Happy New Year |:>)


Hi Ken adn Cyber Taz,

I tried what you suggested to Racheal. I am able to freeze either the
column or the row, but not both. I need to freeze panes at about
the 3rd row and the 3rd column. If I select the row, then select
freeze, only the row freezes. I have tried using the apple button to
select two boxes, but only the row or the column freezes. I have tried
using the shift to select both, that doesn't work either. I guess I am
not clear how to select both. Can you help?


JE McGimpsey

liz said:
I tried what you suggested to Racheal. I am able to freeze either the
column or the row, but not both. I need to freeze panes at about
the 3rd row and the 3rd column. If I select the row, then select
freeze, only the row freezes. I have tried using the apple button to
select two boxes, but only the row or the column freezes. I have tried
using the shift to select both, that doesn't work either. I guess I am
not clear how to select both. Can you help?

Select cell D4. Choose Freeze Panes. Columns A:C and Rows 1:3 will be


Hi Liz-

Don't select a Row _or_ a column, select just a cell... Exactly as stated in
JE's recent post should give you what you want.

Regards |:>)


I get that part, and I am just selecting a cell as the instructions
suggest. I can either freeze horizontally or vertically, not both. I
still don't understand how to select two cells so that it freezes a row
and a column. What am I missing?



It worked!! Thank you so much!!! You have no idea how much time you
just saved me. Thank you!!!!!

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