Keep Source Formatting



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)

I am trying to copy content from a website and paste it into word, and retain italicized words so I don't have to format the document by hand.

How can I do this? I've searched online and I keep finding info saying that a clipboard icon should pop up when you paste into Word, and then you can click on "keep source formatting," but the icon is not popping up!?

I went into Word > preferences and the "paste options" preference is clicked on. Help!


Michel Bintener


first of all, go to Word>Preferences, General section, and make sure the
option "Include formatted text in Clipboard" is turned on. If you still
can't copy formatted text from a browser into a Word document, consider
using a different browser; each browser behaves differently when it comes to
placing formatted content into the clipboard. If you use Safari, try using
Firefox instead, and vice-versa. See if that makes a difference.


The Paste Options button appears as a Clipboard icon just below the end of
the pasted content. However, it only appears [even if enabled in prefs] if
there are options to choose from in the first place. My guess is that your
browser is putting only "Unformatted Text" on the Clipboard.

Alternatively you can use the Edit> Paste Special command to select from
what's available on the Clipboard. If there are options that dialog may
offer more than what's included in the Paste Options button menu.

As Michel mentioned, what gets put to the Clipboard when you Cut/Copy is
determined by the program you're using at the time. The receiving program
determines from what's there what it is capable of pasting.

BTW: Not to provoke my friend Michel, but the "Include formatted text..."
pref he mentioned has no bearing on your question. It determines whether
formatting of text is copied as well as the text itself when you cut/copy
*from* a Word document.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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