keep track of phone numbers



First off I posted this question yesterday, but for some reason with my
internet server provider I was unable to see my post or any replies if
there were any, so please accept my apologies if anyone replied and I did
not reply to you.

The problem has now been resolved, so I hope it is acceptable to post again
given the problems I was having.

I am setting up a spreadsheet to keep track of phone numbers.

The workbook has worksheets named "A", "B", "C", "D" etc!

The first worksheet is named "Menu" and contains all the letters of the
alphabet with macros to link to the various worksheets, for example if I
click on "A" it will go to the worksheet named "A" that contains all company
names and phone numbers for companies that name starts with "A"

What I would like to do is set up a something on the "Menu" worksheet that
could search the workbook by the company name. For example if I was to type
a company name such as "AIB" it would return the number for "AIB".

Would this be possible and if so what would be the best way to go about it?


Don Guillett

I have done this using a worksheet_change event taking the length of what is
typed and looking for it with either a loop or a FIND. I wonder why you have
a separate sheet for each ltr unless you really have a lot of numbers. Could
be all on one using a filter. If desired, send your workbook to me along
with snippets of this and a clear explanation of what you want with


First off I posted this question yesterday, but for some reason with my
internet server provider  I was unable to see my post or any replies if
there were any, so please accept my apologies if anyone replied and I did
not reply to you.

The problem has now been resolved, so I hope it is acceptable to post again
given the problems I was having.

I am setting up a spreadsheet to keep track of phone numbers.

The workbook has worksheets named "A", "B", "C", "D" etc!

The first worksheet is named "Menu" and contains all the letters of the
alphabet with macros to link to the various worksheets, for example if I
click on "A" it will go to the worksheet named "A" that contains all company
names and phone numbers for companies that name starts with "A"

What I would like to do is set up a something on the "Menu" worksheet that
could search the workbook by the company name. For example if I was to type
a company name such as "AIB" it would return the number for "AIB".

Would this be possible and if so what would be the best way to go about it?


Eamon, you provided no detail as to what what version of Excel you are
using or the columns that are on your alphabetic pages. I'm using
Excel 2003. On the assumption you have columns like
firstname,lastname, business name, city, phone, fax, birthdate (or
whatever). I would enter the data on a single page and then use the
autofilter command.(data>filter>autofilter). ***Read about it in
You will be able to locate everyone whose firstname starts with "J"
and lives in your selected city rapidly. Just remember to change your
search conditions.
Suggestion: create a worksheet with six entries and try out the
Hope this makes your life easier...Don


First off I posted this question yesterday, but for some reason with my
internet server provider  I was unable to see my post or any replies if
there were any, so please accept my apologies if anyone replied and I did
not reply to you.

The problem has now been resolved, so I hope it is acceptable to post again
given the problems I was having.

I am setting up a spreadsheet to keep track of phone numbers.

The workbook has worksheets named "A", "B", "C", "D" etc!

The first worksheet is named "Menu" and contains all the letters of the
alphabet with macros to link to the various worksheets, for example if I
click on "A" it will go to the worksheet named "A" that contains all company
names and phone numbers for companies that name starts with "A"

What I would like to do is set up a something on the "Menu" worksheet that
could search the workbook by the company name. For example if I was to type
a company name such as "AIB" it would return the number for "AIB".

Would this be possible and if so what would be the best way to go about it?


see my post on your re-post of this question



Thanks to everyone for your suggestion I have not had a chance to try them
out yet but will do so as soon as I can. Thanks again and much appreciated.



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