Rich Y
Request: How can I force Word not to include path info in a hyperlink.
Goal: File "a.pdf" hyperlinks to file "b.pdf", both of them being
installed to same folder on user PC.
Problem: No matter how I create the hyperlink in the a.doc source, it always
is created with, or ends up with, an absolute path to the target.
DTP platform: Word 2k, Win XP, Acro 5.
List of Failed Solutions:
- Open a.doc with File | Open to get same working folder as b.pdf
- Insert hyperlink as Insert | Field with filename
- Same as previous solution + toggle field code and then enter filename
directly to field code
- Select Insert | Hyperlink and enter (type) filename (rather than
select filename from dialog box)
- Same as previous solution with filename in quotes
- Tried various changes to Word hyperlink options on Tools | Options |
General | Web Options and on File | Properties (| Hyperlink Base)
Current inadequate workaround: Go to every link in b.pdf, open link,
select target, close link.
Goal: File "a.pdf" hyperlinks to file "b.pdf", both of them being
installed to same folder on user PC.
Problem: No matter how I create the hyperlink in the a.doc source, it always
is created with, or ends up with, an absolute path to the target.
DTP platform: Word 2k, Win XP, Acro 5.
List of Failed Solutions:
- Open a.doc with File | Open to get same working folder as b.pdf
- Insert hyperlink as Insert | Field with filename
- Same as previous solution + toggle field code and then enter filename
directly to field code
- Select Insert | Hyperlink and enter (type) filename (rather than
select filename from dialog box)
- Same as previous solution with filename in quotes
- Tried various changes to Word hyperlink options on Tools | Options |
General | Web Options and on File | Properties (| Hyperlink Base)
Current inadequate workaround: Go to every link in b.pdf, open link,
select target, close link.