Hi Norm:
Strange... I sent you an answer to that the day you posted, and it didn't
make it onto the server. Herewith repeating:
Hi Norm:
I need some MS Word terminology 101 help I fear.
I've created a multi-level List Style (I think I've seen you use that
terminology as well as "outline list" but maybe not) and a List
Paragraph style for Level 1 and Level 2.
For us old grey-beards, when you use the unqualified term "style" we assume
you mean "Paragraph Style". In this case, you DO mean Paragraph style,
because a List Style has no "Paragraph" properties.
So when you are talking about "Keep With Next" you must be looking at a
Paragraph style.
A List Style glues together up to nine paragraph styles into a single list.
So you CANNOT have a List Style for Level 1 and a List Style for Level 2.
That's not a single list, that's two lists, and they are not associated in
any way.
To do what you want, you need to define a List Style that contains all the
paragraph styles you want in the list.
Are we doing bullets or numbers here? Let's assume Bullets.
1) Define a List Style named BulletNorm.
2) For level 1, use the built-in paragraph style List Bullet.
3) For Level 2, use the built-in style List Bullet 2.
4) For Level 3 (always do one more than you intend to use, or promote/demote
doesn't work right...) use the built-in style List Bullet 3.
5) OK your way out, then modify the List Bullet paragraph style to have Keep
With Next and Keep Lines Together ON and Widow/Orphan OFF.
6) Make the same change to List Bullet 2 paragraph style.
Now, whenever you apply BulletNorm, all members of the BulletNorm list will
remain together on a page.
If they will fit.
If they won't fit, Word will try first to make them fit: if it can't, it
will throw the entire block to the next page, if it still won't fit, Word
will split at the end of that new page by ignoring Keep With Next for the
last paragraph. Which will be very apparent because you will get an ugly
gap on the first page.
To cure it, take a guess at how much of the list will fit on the first page.
Click in that paragraph, and turn OFF the "Keep With Next" property. The
paragraphs in the list will then shuffle around to honour the new
In any situation where there is a level 2 paragraph I want the level 1
paragraph and all the level 2 paragraphs on the same page. At least I
"think" that is what I want.
Yes, that's what you want.
One f/u question. If one wants all paragraphs of a List Style or all
paragraphs of a level of a Outline List to be on the same page, is that
As above... Yes, it is possible.
Your confusion is resulting from the fact that you lost sight of the fact
that Word has FOUR kinds of Style: Paragraph, Character, List, and Table.
In Word 2011 you will see a fifth: "Linked" which is both a Paragraph and a
Character style joined as a pair.
Remember that "Style" is a generic term, like "Traffic". In the Traffic you
can have Cars, Buses, Trucks, and Motorcycles. Cars can carry a few people,
Buses must carry more than 12 people, Trucks can carry lots of things but
not people, and a motorcycle can carry only one person and no "other
A List Style carries a list definition ONLY. It can associate Paragraph
styles (but not Character, List or Table) styles as part of its payload. It
can carry list formatting, but not text formatting.
There are those of us who think that "List Style" was a poor choice of name,
and that the object is not in fact a "style". We always used to call it a
"List Template", and when you start playing in VBA, that's what it still is.
Similarly, a "Table Style" used to be called a "Table Autoformat", and
really, that's what it is
Hope this helps
The email below is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless I ask you to; or unless you intend to pay!
John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410 | mailto:
[email protected]
Hi John:
Any words of wisdom from the professor on this?
Thanks either way,
The email below is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless I ask you to; or unless you intend to pay!
John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. | Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410 | mailto:
[email protected]