Keeping Office 2004 Apps the Default After Installing 2008



After installing 2008 all my documents are opening by default with the 2008 versions. I'd like to switch this so I have time to adjust and because some programs like Endnote aren't yet compatible with 2008. I'm hoping I don't have to uninstall 2008 until I ready to fully commit.

Diane Ross

After installing 2008 all my documents are opening by default with the 2008
versions. I'd like to switch this so I have time to adjust and because some
programs like Endnote aren't yet compatible with 2008. I'm hoping I don't have
to uninstall 2008 until I ready to fully commit.

Select a document in the Finder and do a Get Info. Select the correct
version of Word to open and then click on "Change all" button.


Thank you Diane. I forgot to mention that I actually tried this with a number of Word and Powerpoint docs--2008 seems to override anyway.

Diane Ross

Thank you Diane. I forgot to mention that I actually tried this with a number
of Word and Powerpoint docs--2008 seems to override anyway.

Try RCDefaultApp

RCDefaultApp is a preference pane that allows a user to set the default
application used for various URL schemes, file extensions, file types, and
MIME types. MacOS X uses the extension and file type settings to choose the
application when opening a file in Finder, while Safari and other
applications use the URL and MIME type settings at other times for content
not related to a file (such as an unknown URL protocol, or a media stream).


Let me know if this works.


I am having the same problem as jcchristopher. I tried this program and while it looks as though it should work, Office 12.x.x overrides even when you select Office 2004. It is surprising that it "visibly" overrides and changes the application right in front of your eyes!

I am simply frustrated with 2008, but do not want to completely remove it since there are new ppt templates that are a bit more modern than those in 2004.

The quest continues...

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