Keeping references while changing worksheets



Suppose I have an excel workbook with two sheets X and Y.

In X I have a set of data in columns A and B,
1 4
2 5

In Y I want to perform calculations on the data in A,
In cell Y!A1 I have "=X!A1+X!B1", etc.

What I would like to do is delete worksheet X, with the formulas in Y locked
and still refering to X, and insert and new worksheet, rename it X, and have
Y perform the calculations on the new data.

Unfortunately, when I delete X, I get =#REF!A1+#REF!B1 in Y, and can't
recover the reference to worksheet X.

Any suggestions?


batu via



Gord said:
Select all cells with formulas in sheet "Y"


What: =

With: ZZZ

Replace all.

Delete sheet "X"

Insert new sheet named "X"

Reverse the edit>replace.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP
Suppose I have an excel workbook with two sheets X and Y.
[quoted text clipped - 15 lines]

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