keeping the record pointer


Doug Couch

I'd like to find out how to maintain record pointer
position when closing a form and opening another that
looks at the same table...when going from either form to
the other.


Don't believe you can do this. Once you close a form all focus is lost and
when reopening the focus will always be at the first record in the form.

Albert D. Kallal

It is not quite clear what you mean here.

If you place a buttion on the first form, and have that buttion run the
folwling code, then the 2nd form would open to the same roecrd, and the
first form would be closed.

docmd.OpenForm "the 2nd form",,,"id = " &

docmd.Close acForm,

If you are NOT going to close the first form, then I would suggest you made
the 2nd form model, and also force a disk write. So, our code would be:

docmd.OpenForm "the 2nd form",,,"id = " &

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