Keeping track of entry histories...

  • Thread starter Efrain Diaz Jr.
  • Start date

Efrain Diaz Jr.

We've been using Outlook to keep track of meetings with clients. You know,
how long someone has been in a meeting and when and where the meeting was
held...Standard stuff. Anyways, to cut back on costs we stopped using another
piece of software that did the exact same thing, only that it kept track of
what changes were made to entries and who made those entries. We've been
using those calendar entries to keep track of how much clients should be

Problem has come up...People around here are usually good when it comes to
keeping things in their calendars up to date and right, but a few times now
we've had to deal with problems here and there.

What I'm asking is this...Is there a way to keep track of what changes have
been made to a person's calendar and who was it that made those changes???

Here's an example...And my apologies if this comes out a bit convoluted.
Things around here are a bit hectic.

Person A has a meeting with Client A. Meeting is scheduled to go from 1-3PM.
Meeting ends up running through 4PM. Now, Person B jumps into Person A's
calendar and changes the calendar entry to 1-4PM...Which then overlaps with a
meeting with Client B. Now the problem now comes when Person C notices the
meeting with Client B has been changed to 4:40PM when it should read 3:30PM
and makes the changes to the calendar. End of the month comes and we need to
send out bills...Only now, nobody can remember exactly how long the meetings
with Client A and Client B were nor when it began. Nor can anyone know who
person C is...We have around ten people keeping track of some two thousand
clients, so it can get a bit weird at times.

Anyways, that's my problem. Sorry about the long explanation. Any help would
be greatly appreciated.

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